100 Ways To Be Like Milo

Print a checklist and track your progress!

  1. Sneakily grab your friend’s phone when left unattended. Take a ton of .5 zoomed photos of yourself with the rear facing camera. Put the phone back, and say nothing. Let them discover it later.

  2. Be there for a friend in need

  3. Drink a Thai Milk Tea with Mango Popping Boba and Honey Boba from Teaspoon

  4. Watch anything related to The Conjuring

  5. Go to a protest rally

  6. Sleep in

  7. Binge watch The Good Place at least once a year

  8. Read a horror novel

  9. Write a fanfic

  10. Tell someone you are there for them if they need someone to talk to. Offer to just listen

  11. Go to the beach with friends and have a bonfire

  12. Look for people you know while riding in a car, roll down the window and yell at them to let them know how much you love them

  13. Fart often

  14. Learn to pop popcorn on the stove. Season it and snuggle in for a movie at home

  15. Go to hot pot, preferably Haidilao

  16. Find a cause and stand up for it

  17. Hug someone, hold them close and let them know how much you care

  18. Tell a silly joke, just to make someone you love laugh

  19. See The Cure in concert, hope that they play The Forest or anything off Three Imaginary Boys

  20. Always be willing to try. You could fail, but what if you don’t?

  21. Mix up snickerdoodle batter and make a baking sheet sized cookie to share with your family

  22. Find a stream to wade in, search for frogs

  23. Go to the movies with friends, and do something to make them all laugh

  24. Drink a Thai Milk Tea with Strawberry Popping Boba and Honey Boba from Soul Sweets

  25. Put Phoebe Bridgers on while riding in a car, declare loudly that each song is a banger

  26. Volunteer somewhere and work hard until you need a nap

  27. Dress up like a Jedi, go to Galaxy’s Edge at Disneyland and do some bounty hunting

  28. Take a long nap while listening to your favorite album or playlist

  29. Sing loudly with someone you love

  30. Give someone a massage

  31. Go see live theater as often as you can, and don’t forget to dress thematically for the show

  32. Break out into dance and sing for someone you love

  33. Go see Ricky Montgomery live, scream “Ricky when I catch you Ricky” at the top of your lungs

  34. Help someone out, especially if you don’t know them

  35. Declare “MITSKI MY BELOVED” at the top of your lungs whenever a song by Mitski comes on and demand that the volume would be turned up

  36. Fart in a quiet movie theater

  37. Draw something for someone you care about, give it to them anonymously

  38. Sit on a bench at Disneyland and people watch while eating a giant turkey leg

  39. Support your friends’ creative outlets — be their biggest fan and tell others about their art

  40. Go see a random late night movie with someone you love, have a long discussion after and rewrite the parts that didn’t work for you both together

  41. Be inspired by something and take a few days or even weeks to research and read books about the subject

  42. Give your mom a hug randomly

  43. Tell someone about your giant bowel movement

  44. Eat a Frosty Parfait at Pixar Pier

  45. Laugh with your whole body, and aspire to make others do the same

  46. Eat a restaurant, ask your server how their day is going, thank them for their service, and tell them you hope they have a nice rest of their day

  47. Go see live music as often as you can, get to the front and make the opening band feel like the headliner. If you enjoy their set, add them to your playlist.

  48. Don’t be afraid to cry loudly in front of the people you love

  49. Take a walk on Black Beach in Santa Cruz

  50. Wait by the stage door after a musical or play, tell every performer and crew member that comes out how much they inspired you

  51. Binge watch Over The Garden Wall once a year

  52. See as much of the world as you can, and try to get off the beaten path and live in someone else’s shoes / eat the food they eat

  53. Go to the beach and listen to the waves

  54. Say hello to the Claude the white alligator at the Cal Academy of Sciences (the only alligator Milo was ok with)

  55. Comfort an animal, and spend a good long period of time talking to it

  56. Ride in someone’s car, take a nap and enjoy their presence even without speaking

  57. Go see Hadestown, dress up as your favorite character

  58. Visit the East Bay Vivarium and spend time admiring all of the wonderful reptiles and amphibians 

  59. Go to Trader Sam’s and order a Schweitzer Falls. Take one back to the hotel when you leave.

  60. Collect posters from all of the shows and concerts you attend

  61. Go to a Pride celebration and join the parade

  62. Listen to music on vinyl

  63. Try to catch a gopher snake or a blue belly lizard

  64. Pet the stingrays at the Monterey Bay Aquarium 

  65. Go to Disneyland, stay till park closing, ride that last ride, and walk back to the hotel with someone you love

  66. Take a bath and a shower in one day

  67. Watch Bluey with your family and make sure you have tissue handy

  68. When someone is worked up, put your hand on their shoulder and say, “It’s ok…” then ask them if they need a hug

  69. Visit the Cal Academy of Sciences and spend a significant amount of time with the reptiles and butterflies

  70. Hug all your friends, tell them you see them and you will never let them go

  71. Defend someone who is being mistreated, even if you barely know them

  72. Find a cause you believe in, and actively support it

  73. Be kind to people that are different from you, try to understand them better

  74. Volunteer in a classroom, help a student with their homework

  75. Tell your mom to make you a sandwich, then say “I looooovvvveee yooooooooouuuuuu”

  76. Go to Taco Bell – get a steak quesadilla and a Baja Blast

  77. Go to Scotts Valley Market and order sushi from the counter. Ask the person preparing your roll how their weekend was

  78. Save every Playbill from every show you go to

  79. Go to the Monterey Bay Aquarium, find the kelp forest, lay in the circular windows and lay down. Have someone take your photo

  80. Stay up all night playing Roblox with your friends and screaming at the top of your lungs

  81. When you find out someone has never seen Bluey, immediately drop everything, yell at them, and then show them as much Bluey as you can

  82. Sing “Rock and Roll McDonald’s” at the top your lungs with some friends on repeat

  83. Refuse to listen to any more than 10 seconds of any nu metal

  84. Write everything down, and write as many stories as you can

  85. Walk into room and shout, “Darrrrling, guess who’s back from jail”

  86. When you realize you haven’t greeted someone yet at a gathering, stop mid sentence, shout out their name and joyously make a beeline over to them

  87. Introduce your friends to your favorite music artist, then quiz them on the most random details. Make fun of them for getting them wrong

  88. Find your person to call whenever a spider shows up in your room. Have them on speed dial

  89. Be the first to volunteer whenever someone asks for a volunteer

  90. Feel every emotion at 110% and don’t be afraid to show it

  91. Insist on watching YouTube Shorts or Dhar Mann at any social gathering or sleepover

  92. Find the joy in your pets and share those details with a friend. Include photos.

  93. Be terrified of bugs, but love reptiles (but not alligators. Never alligators)

  94. Make your friends watch skibidi toilet, and completely ignore their disinterest

  95. Go on a trip to Monterey. When you pass the old house before the Salinas Rd exit, make up fictional backstories about the history of the house and share them with your loved ones.

  96. Commit to the bit!

  97. Yell “When I catch you <friends name>” at your friend when you see them

  98. Surprise a friend with one of their favorite snacks or drinks to show them that you appreciate them

  99. Look out for someone you love, even when they aren’t looking out for themselves.

  100. Inherit a used item from a loved one rather than buying a new one –  this way you can keep a part of them with you forever.